Friday, June 13, 2008

surfing earthquakes

You may be fired up and ready to surf, but don t jump the gun. There are a myriad of factors which will influence your choice of board.

Don't under estimate the kids who are most likely 8 year old to mid teens, its amazing how young these kids start surfing waves. Test the water first, you might be able to get away with board shorts, but I would recommend a rash vest also. Spring suits give greater freedom, as the sleeves only come down to just above the elbow.

Many have been involved in competitive surfing of some description or have at least spent enough time in the water to have a sound knowledge of the demands of the sport. The leash was another welcome addition to the surfing world. Paddling the board, and jumping straight onto both feet as quick as possible.

When learning to surf you have to begin where everyone else does. Having an experienced surfing teacher will help take a great deal of the frustration out of your learning curve, and you will improve quickly.

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