Surfing is a popular and fun activity to enjoy the warm, long days of summer, but it can be a little intimidating if you don't know the first thing about it. Ranging from your experience, the waves you will be riding, your preferred style of surfing and more.
Of course, you don't want to spend hundreds on a brand new surfboard and equipment only to find out that you don't really like surfing. Your first board can really be the breaking point when it comes to whether you will pick up the sport or quit in frustration, many of us see the pros riding on their slick 6ft short boards slamming the lip and making it look like not only a hell of a lot of fun but also a real easy thing to do. Another good reason to not go it alone initially is because surfing, like any sport, can be dangerous for the uninitiated.
That warning stands for both new and experienced surfers, an unknown break is always potentially dangerous. Lead with your head. Unless the board you are using is a soft-top, or fully covered in deck-grip, you will need some surf-wax.
Of course, anyone who wants to master more than the basics can sign up for a few more surfing lessons. Please, know your limits.
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