Monday, August 11, 2008

surfing clothes

Undoubtedly one of the best places in the world to learn to surf is Australia. Today, Hawaii is home to most of the Big Wave surfing and some of the most coveted breaks exist in this island paradise.

Some people swear by longboards for their entire surfing career, claiming that they are faster and simply more fun. A good operator is a good sign they take the business of surfing instruction seriously. For instance, if you are beginner, you will want to start out on a softboard or a longboard, which will meet the six inch rule of thumb easily.

For the intermediate or expert skill level surfers out there, the choice is yours for the type of surfboard you want to use, and it will depend on the type of surfing you want to do. Shortboards come in a variety of styles, but they are usually the thinnest kind of board with the least buoyancy. In the early stages of your surfing career this is definitely the place to be.

Once you are confident and can catch waves easily, you can attempt to stand up on your board. Take note of where you should be surfing before you go out, and make sure you stick to it when you are out.

1 comment:

daisegom said...

Nice post and thanks for sharing. You know I also tried surfing but on the short-boards. I had one of best Austrian surfers as my coach but I couldn’t learn much from him. But got to know top surfwear brands from him.